Project details Latest and Trendy, Traditional, Modern, Contemporary Homes Designs

Here you can find best kerala homes designs interior and exterior photos,plans, ideas from our completed and proposed works. Browse our latest kerala homes designs portfolio for more details. Kerala’s one of the leading home designing company we are expand our work in a large scale. Searching the new trends and we invent new thinks ourselves. We mainly focused on the designing and construction of most modern homes within the perspective of our clients.

latest 3 bedroom kerala house plans elevation designs

new designing trends in 3 bedroom house home plans in kerala

3d bed room  ground floor plan details

  • Total Area – 1800 sq ft
  • Car porch – 260 sq ft
  • 2 Bed Room with Attached Toilet
  • 1 Bed room without Toilet
  • Sit-out
  • Drawing area with small prayer area
  • Dining area
  • Kitchen + Work area & Store
  •  Common Toilet

Modern with traditional 3 bedroom house plans and elevation designs ideas

You can construct your dream 3 bedroom kerala house plans  and elevation within your budget. Most of the people wanted to construct the modern 3 bedroom residence, homes within their limits. We have to build such homes, house. Modern architecture opens a door for everything you can chose and participates in every stage of design and project construction of your home. We assure the full cooperation at every stage of our work procedure. The elevation designing and construction of 3 bedroom home must be according to the changing trends in the technology. We have to look after our traditional elevation architecture aspects also. Modern architecture ideas focused on avoiding unnecessary elements and efficient usage of available resources. The demand, taste and preference of the people are different from others. Some people choose simplicity in house decoration but most of them has a desire to make their home, 3 bedroom kerala house plan elegant and unique. We can create your modern 3 bed room home plans and elevation as per your concern. This is one of our previous 3 bedroom residence works and this is constructed for a client. You can available details of our about the completed and proposed work. the total sq. Ft. is 1800 sq ft. This 3 bedroom house must suitable to the middle class family all the related facility are available for you.

low cost 3 bed room home plans and elevation you can choose from our designs collection

Two bedrooms have attached toilet and one bedroom without toilet. The drawing area is built with small prayer place according to our worship we can convert into compact puja room or other. The store room and work area attached to the kitchen. Also there is a common bathroom. The dining area is near to the living hall. You can all facility such a modern home it is very affordable and suitable to nuclear family. The car porch has 260 sq.ft. The available space can be sufficiently used to construct the car porch gives a slandered look to the home. We have better experienced in the construction of landscape it make your home in a most beautiful one and cost effective one.

How to reduce construction cost for 3 bedroom kerala house plans

click here 3 bed room house interior design proposal ideas

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